Selector.js 8.46 KB
 * Selector.js
 * Released under LGPL License.
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved
 * License:
 * Contributing:

/*eslint no-nested-ternary:0 */

 * Selector engine, enables you to select controls by using CSS like expressions.
 * We currently only support basic CSS expressions to reduce the size of the core
 * and the ones we support should be enough for most cases.
 * @example
 * Supported expressions:
 *  element
 *  element#name
 *  element.class
 *  element[attr]
 *  element[attr*=value]
 *  element[attr~=value]
 *  element[attr!=value]
 *  element[attr^=value]
 *  element[attr$=value]
 *  element:<state>
 *  element:not(<expression>)
 *  element:first
 *  element:last
 *  element:odd
 *  element:even
 *  element element
 *  element > element
 * @class tinymce.ui.Selector
define("tinymce/ui/Selector", [
], function(Class) {
	"use strict";

	 * Produces an array with a unique set of objects. It will not compare the values
	 * but the references of the objects.
	 * @private
	 * @method unqiue
	 * @param {Array} array Array to make into an array with unique items.
	 * @return {Array} Array with unique items.
	function unique(array) {
		var uniqueItems = [], i = array.length, item;

		while (i--) {
			item = array[i];

			if (!item.__checked) {
				item.__checked = 1;

		i = uniqueItems.length;
		while (i--) {
			delete uniqueItems[i].__checked;

		return uniqueItems;

	var expression = /^([\w\\*]+)?(?:#([\w\-\\]+))?(?:\.([\w\\\.]+))?(?:\[\@?([\w\\]+)([\^\$\*!~]?=)([\w\\]+)\])?(?:\:(.+))?/i;

	/*jshint maxlen:255 */
	/*eslint max-len:0 */
	var chunker = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^\[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g,
		whiteSpace = /^\s*|\s*$/g,

	var Selector = Class.extend({
		 * Constructs a new Selector instance.
		 * @constructor
		 * @method init
		 * @param {String} selector CSS like selector expression.
		init: function(selector) {
			var match = this.match;

			function compileNameFilter(name) {
				if (name) {
					name = name.toLowerCase();

					return function(item) {
						return name === '*' || item.type === name;

			function compileIdFilter(id) {
				if (id) {
					return function(item) {
						return item._name === id;

			function compileClassesFilter(classes) {
				if (classes) {
					classes = classes.split('.');

					return function(item) {
						var i = classes.length;

						while (i--) {
							if (!item.classes.contains(classes[i])) {
								return false;

						return true;

			function compileAttrFilter(name, cmp, check) {
				if (name) {
					return function(item) {
						var value = item[name] ? item[name]() : '';

						return !cmp ? !!check :
							cmp === "=" ? value === check :
							cmp === "*=" ? value.indexOf(check) >= 0 :
							cmp === "~=" ? (" " + value + " ").indexOf(" " + check + " ") >= 0 :
							cmp === "!=" ? value != check :
							cmp === "^=" ? value.indexOf(check) === 0 :
							cmp === "$=" ? value.substr(value.length - check.length) === check :

			function compilePsuedoFilter(name) {
				var notSelectors;

				if (name) {
					name = /(?:not\((.+)\))|(.+)/i.exec(name);

					if (!name[1]) {
						name = name[2];

						return function(item, index, length) {
							return name === 'first' ? index === 0 :
								name === 'last' ? index === length - 1 :
								name === 'even' ? index % 2 === 0 :
								name === 'odd' ? index % 2 === 1 :
								item[name] ? item[name]() :

					// Compile not expression
					notSelectors = parseChunks(name[1], []);

					return function(item) {
						return !match(item, notSelectors);

			function compile(selector, filters, direct) {
				var parts;

				function add(filter) {
					if (filter) {

				// Parse expression into parts
				parts = expression.exec(selector.replace(whiteSpace, ''));

				add(compileAttrFilter(parts[4], parts[5], parts[6]));

				// Mark the filter with pseudo for performance
				filters.pseudo = !!parts[7]; = direct;

				return filters;

			// Parser logic based on Sizzle by John Resig
			function parseChunks(selector, selectors) {
				var parts = [], extra, matches, i;

				do {
					matches = chunker.exec(selector);

					if (matches) {
						selector = matches[3];

						if (matches[2]) {
							extra = matches[3];
				} while (matches);

				if (extra) {
					parseChunks(extra, selectors);

				selector = [];
				for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
					if (parts[i] != '>') {
						selector.push(compile(parts[i], [], parts[i - 1] === '>'));


				return selectors;

			this._selectors = parseChunks(selector, []);

		 * Returns true/false if the selector matches the specified control.
		 * @method match
		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} control Control to match against the selector.
		 * @param {Array} selectors Optional array of selectors, mostly used internally.
		 * @return {Boolean} true/false state if the control matches or not.
		match: function(control, selectors) {
			var i, l, si, sl, selector, fi, fl, filters, index, length, siblings, count, item;

			selectors = selectors || this._selectors;
			for (i = 0, l = selectors.length; i < l; i++) {
				selector = selectors[i];
				sl = selector.length;
				item = control;
				count = 0;

				for (si = sl - 1; si >= 0; si--) {
					filters = selector[si];

					while (item) {
						// Find the index and length since a pseudo filter like :first needs it
						if (filters.pseudo) {
							siblings = item.parent().items();
							index = length = siblings.length;
							while (index--) {
								if (siblings[index] === item) {

						for (fi = 0, fl = filters.length; fi < fl; fi++) {
							if (!filters[fi](item, index, length)) {
								fi = fl + 1;

						if (fi === fl) {
						} else {
							// If it didn't match the right most expression then
							// break since it's no point looking at the parents
							if (si === sl - 1) {

						item = item.parent();

				// If we found all selectors then return true otherwise continue looking
				if (count === sl) {
					return true;

			return false;

		 * Returns a tinymce.ui.Collection with matches of the specified selector inside the specified container.
		 * @method find
		 * @param {tinymce.ui.Control} container Container to look for items in.
		 * @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Collection with matched elements.
		find: function(container) {
			var matches = [], i, l, selectors = this._selectors;

			function collect(items, selector, index) {
				var i, l, fi, fl, item, filters = selector[index];

				for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
					item = items[i];

					// Run each filter against the item
					for (fi = 0, fl = filters.length; fi < fl; fi++) {
						if (!filters[fi](item, i, l)) {
							fi = fl + 1;

					// All filters matched the item
					if (fi === fl) {
						// Matched item is on the last expression like: panel toolbar [button]
						if (index == selector.length - 1) {
						} else {
							// Collect next expression type
							if (item.items) {
								collect(item.items(), selector, index + 1);
					} else if ( {

					// Collect child items
					if (item.items) {
						collect(item.items(), selector, index);

			if (container.items) {
				for (i = 0, l = selectors.length; i < l; i++) {
					collect(container.items(), selectors[i], 0);

				// Unique the matches if needed
				if (l > 1) {
					matches = unique(matches);

			// Fix for circular reference
			if (!Collection) {
				// TODO: Fix me!
				Collection = Selector.Collection;

			return new Collection(matches);

	return Selector;