Jean-Francois Leveque

Pré-traitement : tirage aléatoire d'un pourcentage indiqué d'éléments annotés.

...@@ -14,4 +14,37 @@ ...@@ -14,4 +14,37 @@
14 <artifactId>grog-recommendation-preprocess</artifactId> 14 <artifactId>grog-recommendation-preprocess</artifactId>
15 <version>3.0-SNAPSHOT</version> 15 <version>3.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
16 <packaging>jar</packaging> 16 <packaging>jar</packaging>
17 + <dependencies>
18 + <dependency>
19 + <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>
20 + <artifactId>spring-boot-starter</artifactId>
21 + </dependency>
22 + <dependency>
23 + <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>
24 + <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-test</artifactId>
25 + <scope>test</scope>
26 + </dependency>
27 + <dependency>
28 + <groupId>org.apache.commons</groupId>
29 + <artifactId>commons-csv</artifactId>
30 + <version>1.3</version>
31 + </dependency>
32 + </dependencies>
33 +
34 + <build>
35 + <plugins>
36 + <plugin>
37 + <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>
38 + <artifactId>spring-boot-maven-plugin</artifactId>
39 + <version>1.5.2.RELEASE </version>
40 + <executions>
41 + <execution>
42 + <goals>
43 + <goal>repackage</goal>
44 + </goals>
45 + </execution>
46 + </executions>
47 + </plugin>
48 + </plugins>
49 + </build>
17 </project> 50 </project>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +package org.legrog.recommendation.preprocess;
2 +
3 +public class AssociationElement {
4 + private Long userId;
5 + private Long itemId;
6 +
7 + public AssociationElement(Long userId, Long itemId) {
8 + this.userId = userId;
9 + this.itemId = itemId;
10 + }
11 +
12 + public Long getUserId() {
13 + return userId;
14 + }
15 +
16 + public Long getItemId() {
17 + return itemId;
18 + }
19 +}
1 +package org.legrog.recommendation.preprocess;
2 +
3 +import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
4 +import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
5 +
6 +@SpringBootApplication
7 +public class PreprocessingApplication {
8 +
9 + public static void main(String[] args) {
10 +, args);
11 + }
12 +
13 +}
1 +package org.legrog.recommendation.preprocess;
2 +
3 +import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat;
4 +import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVPrinter;
5 +import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord;
6 +import org.slf4j.Logger;
7 +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
8 +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
9 +import org.springframework.boot.ApplicationArguments;
10 +import org.springframework.boot.ApplicationRunner;
11 +import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
12 +
13 +import*;
14 +import java.util.ArrayList;
15 +import java.util.List;
16 +import java.util.Properties;
17 +import java.util.Random;
18 +import;
19 +import;
20 +
21 +@Component
22 +public class PreprocessingRunner implements ApplicationRunner {
23 +
24 + Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
25 +
26 + @Value("${parameters.filename}")
27 + private String parametersFilename;
28 +
29 + @Value("${data.dir}")
30 + private String dataDir;
31 +
32 + @Value("${collectionComplete.filename}")
33 + private String collectionCompleteFilename;
34 +
35 + @Value("${ratingComplete.filename}")
36 + private String ratingCompleteFilename;
37 +
38 + @Value("${collectionSample.filename}")
39 + private String collectionSampleFilename;
40 +
41 + @Value("${ratingSample.filename}")
42 + private String ratingSampleFilename;
43 +
44 + @Value("${collectionAnnotated.filename}")
45 + private String collectionAnnotatedFilename;
46 +
47 + @Value("${ratingAnnotated.filename}")
48 + private String ratingAnnotatedFilename;
49 +
50 + private String completeFilename;
51 + private String sampleFilename;
52 + private String annontatedFilename;
53 +
54 + private Boolean ratings;
55 +
56 + private int annotatePercent;
57 +
58 + @Override
59 + public void run(ApplicationArguments applicationArguments) throws Exception {
60 + loadParameters();
61 + setFilenames();
62 + List<AssociationElement> associationElements = loadAssociationElements(new File(dataDir, completeFilename));
63 + List<Integer> annotateIndexes = chooseAnnotated(associationElements.size());
64 + writeSampleAndAnnotated(new File(dataDir, sampleFilename), new File(dataDir, annontatedFilename), annotateIndexes, associationElements);
65 + }
66 +
67 + private List<Integer> chooseAnnotated(int size) {
68 + List<Integer> annotatedChosen = new ArrayList<>();
69 +
70 + Random random = new Random();
71 + Integer randomInteger;
72 +
73 + while (annotatedChosen.size() <= size * annotatePercent / 100.0) {
74 + randomInteger = new Integer(random.nextInt(size));
75 + if (!annotatedChosen.contains(randomInteger)) {
76 + annotatedChosen.add(randomInteger);
77 + }
78 + }
79 +
80 + return annotatedChosen;
81 + }
82 +
83 + private void writeSampleAndAnnotated(File sampleFile, File annotatedFile, List<Integer> annotateIndexes, List<AssociationElement> associationElements) throws PreprocessingException {
84 + try {
85 + AssociationElement associationElement;
86 + if (ratings) {
87 + RatingElement ratingElement;
88 + CSVFormat ratingsFormat = CSVFormat.TDF.withHeader("itemId", "userId", "rating");
89 + CSVPrinter samplePrinter = new CSVPrinter(new FileWriter(sampleFile), ratingsFormat);
90 + CSVPrinter annotatedPrinter = new CSVPrinter(new FileWriter(annotatedFile), ratingsFormat);
91 +
92 + for (int i = 0; i < associationElements.size(); i++) {
93 + ratingElement = (RatingElement) associationElements.get(i);
94 + Integer index = new Integer(i);
95 + if (annotateIndexes.contains(index)) {
96 + annotatedPrinter.printRecord(ratingElement.getItemId(), ratingElement.getUserId(), ratingElement.getRating());
97 + } else {
98 + samplePrinter.printRecord(ratingElement.getItemId(), ratingElement.getUserId(), ratingElement.getRating());
99 + }
100 + }
101 + samplePrinter.close();
102 + annotatedPrinter.close();
103 +
104 + } else {
105 + CSVFormat collectionsFormat = CSVFormat.TDF.withHeader("itemId", "userId");
106 + CSVPrinter samplePrinter = new CSVPrinter(new FileWriter(sampleFile), collectionsFormat);
107 + CSVPrinter annotatedPrinter = new CSVPrinter(new FileWriter(annotatedFile), collectionsFormat);
108 +
109 + for (int i = 0; i < associationElements.size(); i++) {
110 + associationElement = associationElements.get(i);
111 + Integer index = new Integer(i);
112 + if (annotateIndexes.contains(index)) {
113 + annotatedPrinter.printRecord(associationElement.getItemId(), associationElement.getUserId());
114 + } else {
115 + samplePrinter.printRecord(associationElement.getItemId(), associationElement.getUserId());
116 + }
117 + }
118 + samplePrinter.close();
119 + annotatedPrinter.close();
120 +
121 + }
122 + } catch (IOException e) {
123 + throw new PreprocessingException("Can't write sample or annotated file " + dataDir + sampleFilename + " / " + annontatedFilename, e);
124 + }
125 + }
126 + private List<AssociationElement> loadAssociationElements(File file) throws PreprocessingException {
127 + try (Reader in = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file))) {
128 + Iterable<CSVRecord> records = CSVFormat.TDF.withFirstRecordAsHeader().parse(in);
129 +
130 + if (ratings) {
131 + return, false)
132 + .map((record) -> new RatingElement(
133 + Long.parseLong(record.get("userId")),
134 + Long.parseLong(record.get("itemId")),
135 + Integer.parseInt(record.get("rating")))
136 + )
137 + .collect(Collectors.toList());
138 + } else {
139 + return, false)
140 + .map((record) -> new AssociationElement(
141 + Long.parseLong(record.get("userId")),
142 + Long.parseLong(record.get("itemId")))
143 + )
144 + .collect(Collectors.toList());
145 + }
146 +
147 + } catch (IOException e) {
148 + throw new PreprocessingException("Can't read CSV file " + file, e);
149 + }
150 + }
151 +
152 + private void setFilenames() {
153 + if (ratings) {
154 + completeFilename = ratingCompleteFilename;
155 + sampleFilename = ratingSampleFilename;
156 + annontatedFilename = ratingAnnotatedFilename;
157 + } else {
158 + completeFilename = collectionCompleteFilename;
159 + sampleFilename = collectionSampleFilename;
160 + annontatedFilename = collectionAnnotatedFilename;
161 + }
162 + }
163 +
164 + private void loadParameters() throws PreprocessingException {
165 + try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(new File(dataDir, parametersFilename))) {
166 + Properties properties = new Properties();
167 + properties.load(in);
168 +
169 + if (properties.containsKey("ratings")) {
170 + logger.trace("ratings {}", properties.getProperty("ratings"));
171 + if (Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty("ratings"))) {
172 + ratings = Boolean.TRUE;
173 + } else {
174 + ratings = Boolean.FALSE;
175 + }
176 + } else {
177 + // by default, takes collection
178 + ratings = Boolean.FALSE;
179 + }
180 +
181 + if (properties.containsKey("annotatePercent")) {
182 + annotatePercent = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty("annotatePercent"));
183 + } else {
184 + // default top size is 10
185 + annotatePercent = 1;
186 + }
187 +
188 + } catch (IOException e) {
189 + throw new PreprocessingException("Can't read parameters properties file " + dataDir + parametersFilename, e);
190 + }
191 +
192 + }
193 + private class PreprocessingException extends Exception {
194 + public PreprocessingException() {
195 + super();
196 + }
197 +
198 + public PreprocessingException(String message) {
199 + super(message);
200 + }
201 +
202 + public PreprocessingException(String message, Throwable cause) {
203 + super(message, cause);
204 + }
205 +
206 + public PreprocessingException(Throwable cause) {
207 + super(cause);
208 + }
209 +
210 + protected PreprocessingException(String message, Throwable cause, boolean enableSuppression, boolean writableStackTrace) {
211 + super(message, cause, enableSuppression, writableStackTrace);
212 + }
213 + }
214 +}
1 +package org.legrog.recommendation.preprocess;
2 +
3 +public class RatingElement extends AssociationElement {
4 + private Integer rating;
5 +
6 + public RatingElement(Long userId, Long itemId, Integer rating) {
7 + super(userId, itemId);
8 + this.rating = rating;
9 + }
10 +
11 + public Integer getRating() {
12 + return rating;
13 + }
14 +}
1 +parameters.filename=${parameters.filename}
2 +collectionSample.filename=${collectionSample.filename}
3 +ratingSample.filename=${ratingSample.filename}
4 +recommandations.filename=${recommandations.filename}
5 +coverage.filename=${coverage.filename}
6 +data.dir=dumb/
7 +collectionComplete.filename=${collectionComplete.filename}
8 +ratingComplete.filename=${ratingComplete.filename}
9 +collectionAnnotated.filename=${collectionAnnotated.filename}
10 +ratingAnnotated.filename=${ratingAnnotated.filename}
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 +<configuration>
3 +
4 + <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
5 + <!-- encoders are assigned the type
6 + ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder by default -->
7 + <encoder>
8 + <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n</pattern>
9 + </encoder>
10 + </appender>
11 +
12 + <logger name="org.legrog" level="DEBUG"/>
13 + <logger name="org.legrog.recommendation.preprocess" level="TRACE"/>
14 +
15 + <root level="warn">
16 + <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
17 + </root>
18 +</configuration>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file